FMLA Communication: Getting the Conversation Right
By Darlene Clabault Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Tundra Lodge
7:30AM – 9:30AM
The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires quite a bit of communication between you (the company leave administrator) and employees. Your responsibilities under the law are generally initiated with an employee’s notice of the need for leave. Such notice, however, can take many, even nonverbal, forms. From there, however, the dialogue truly begins and continues throughout leave. It doesn’t necessarily end when an employee exhausts his or her FMLA leave.
Some of the communication includes a poster, notices (in writing and not), certifications, and status reports. It’s possible that a health care provider might also be involved.
This presentation will look at the back-and-forth dialogue between you and employees that is required under the FMLA as well as optional discussions that can help you steer clear of claims.

Darlene (Dolly) Clabault has been at J.J. Keller for over 20 years, where she researches, answers questions, and creates content on a variety of employment laws including the FMLA, the ADA, and the FLSA. She is a member of SHRM and speaks at various SHRM conferences.
Meeting Schedule
7:30am – 8:00am Registration and Breakfast Buffet
8:00am – 8:15am SHRM Business & Sponsor Highlights
8:15am -- 9:15am Speaker Presentation
9:15am -- 9:30am Questions and Wrap Up Meeting Schedule
Reservation Deadline for this meeting is Monday, May 8th at 5:00 PM
$25 – GB SHRM Member*
$30 – Guest of GB SHRM Member/Non-Member*
$10 – SHRM Student Chapter Member
*NOTE: If you register for this meeting and are unable to attend, you must cancel by the Friday prior to the meeting to receive a refund. Any requests for cancellation after that date will still be charged the meeting fee.