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Virtual Zoom Event - Unemployment Compensation Update

  • 29 Jul 2020
  • 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
  • Virtual Zoom Event



Virtual Zoom Event
Wednesday: July 29th, 2020

Unemployment Compensation Update

Presented by: Geoff Lacy and Jodi Arndt Labs

11:30am – 12:45pm


Jodi Arndt Labs – Conway, Olejniczak and Jerry, S.C.

Jodi counsels employers in all aspects of labor and employment law. She works with management and human resource professionals to minimize or prevent legal risk while allowing employers to achieve their business objectives. Jodi has represented employers in a wide variety of forums including proceedings before the Equal Rights Division, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the U.S. Department of Labor, as well as state and federal courts in Wisconsin.

Geoffrey Lacy – Strang, Patterson, Renning, Lewis & Lacy, S.C.

Geoff advises employers on employment law issues, including hiring, discipline and discharge, discrimination defense and policy, FMLA, FLSA, and other areas of employment law. He also provides representation in labor relations, including contract negotiations, grievance processing, and related areas. He also devotes a significant portion of his practice to school and municipal law.


Unemployment Compensation Update. The last three months have been a whirlwind in many respects and employers are reeling from the effects of so many different external influences on business and on employment. Unemployment rates have gone from all time lows to all time highs in just a matter of these three months. In response, state and local governments have implemented legislative and regulatory initiatives to assist both employers that are forced to layoff employees and employees that have found themselves unemployed. Of course, the haste and scope of these efforts have in many respects reminded us of the prevalence of the law of unintended consequences. This program will discuss where we are now both in terms of existing and contemplated legislative and regulatory unemployment compensation initiatives, and what is happening at the agency. Finally, we will discuss challenges and strategies associated with returning employees to work as the economy slowly reopens.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Participants will learn about our current legal environment in terms of existing and contemplated legislative and regulatory unemployment compensation initiatives.
  • In addition, participants will gain an understanding of what is happening within in the agency.
  • Participants will learn about the current employment challenges and strategies associated with returning employees back to work as the economy slowly reopen.

Meeting Schedule

11:30am – 11:45pm Announcements, Sponsor, Introductions

11:45pm - 12:30pm Unemployment Compensation Update

12:30pm – 12:45pm Questions & Wrap-Up

Reservation Deadline for this meeting is Tuesday, July 28, 2020

$25 – GB SHRM Member*

$35 – Guest of GB SHRM Member*

$15 – SHRM Student Chapter Member


GREEN BAY AREA CHAPTER OF SHRM is a recognized provider of recertification credits. This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.


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