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Green Bay Chapter SHRM

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September Annual Legal Update

  • 9 Sep 2020
  • 7:45 AM - 1:00 PM


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2020 Legal Update

Virtual Half Day Event

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

7:45am - 1:00pm


OPENING: General Session - Legal Updates - This opening session will discuss new developments in the law, including new statutes, important court decisions, and regulatory activity over the past year.  

Breakout sessions offered during session 1:

  • Breakout Session 1

Navigating Your Remote Workforce: Wage/hour, security/technology and confidentiality issues with your remote workforce

  • Breakout Session 2

Employer Rights and Obligations in the Age of COVID-19: State and federal rules and laws that govern employers / how to discuss COVID-19 with your employees

Breakout sessions offered during session 2:

  • Breakout Session 1

How to Handle Layoff and Terminations: What to watch out for and consider during layoffs and terminations

  • Breakout Session 2

NLRB/OSHA/WC: Employee Rights in the Workplace/Workplace Safety

CLOSING: General Session - Advanced ADA/FMLA/FFCRA – This closing session will tackle more advanced issues under the ADA and FMLA, as well as other leave laws, including overlapping leave obligations, complex employee leave and return to work situations, and some of the more complicated administrative issues resulting from an employer’s obligations under these laws. 


We are pleased to announce that we will once again learn from many of our area’s top attorneys including:

Jodi Arndt Labs - Conway, Olejniczak and Jerry, S.C.

Kurt Goehre - Conway, Olejniczak and Jerry, S.C.

Ross Townsend - Conway, Olejniczak and Jerry, S.C.

Robert Burns - Davis & Kuelthau, S.C

Tony Steffek - Davis & Kuelthau, S.C.

James Kalny - Davis & Kuelthau, S.C.

Abby Busler - Davis & Kuelthau, S.C.

Geoffrey Lacy - Strang, Patternson, Renning, Lewis & Lacy, S.C.

Aaron McCann - Godfrey & Kahn

    Meeting Schedule

    7:45AM – 8:00AM           Welcome, SHRM Business and Introduction of Sponsors

    8:00AM – 9:00AM           General Session – Legal Update - Presented  by Geoff Lacy and Jodi Arndt Labs

    9:00 AM – 9:10AM           Break

    9:10AM – 10:10AM          Breakout Session I

    Choose 1:

    Navigating your Remote Workforce - Presented by Abby Busler and Geoff Lacy

    Employer Rights and Obligations in the Age of COVID-19 - Presented by Kurt Goehre and Ross Townsend

    10:10AM – 10:20AM       Break

    10:20AM – 10:25AM       Announcements (Zoom Session 2)

    10:25AM – 11:25 AM      Breakout Session II

    Choose 1:

    How to handle layoffs and terminations - Presented by Bob Burns

    NLRB/OSHA/WC - Presented by Aaron McCann and Jim Kalny

    11:25AM – 11:40AM       Announcements & Sponsors

    11:40AM – 11:55AM       Break

    11:55AM – 1:00PM          Closing General Session – Advanced ADA/FMLA/FFCRA - Presented by Tony Steffek and Jodi Arndt Labs

    Reservation Deadline for this meeting is Monday, September 7th @ 5:00pm

    $45 – GB SHRM Member*

    $55 – Guest of GB SHRM Member*

    $25 – SHRM Student Chapter Member

    *Those who register after Friday, September 4th will be charged a $5 late fee.

    *NOTE: If you register for this meeting and are unable to attend, you must cancel by the Friday prior to the meeting to receive a refund. Any requests for cancellation after that date will still be charged the meeting fee.   

    *Additional Registration will need to be completed to attend the meetings via Zoom. Links to register will be sent in the Event Registration Confirmation Email

    GREEN BAY AREA CHAPTER OF SHRM is a recognized provider of recertification credits. HR Certification Institute® pre-approved this program for 4.25 HR Business credits towards aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification.

    GREEN BAY AREA CHAPTER OF SHRM is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for 4.25 PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

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